In mathematics, a knowledge of God is like a prime number. All other numbers arise from a combination of the primes.
In science, God is the great designer, the extraordinary creator. In physical education, students learn the amazing ways their bodies, created in the image of God, can be strengthened to perform astounding feats.
In language, God is the subject and the verb of each sentence, and students are the direct object, the recipients of the action of the verb.
In history, the struggle between good and evil is analyzed in light of the truths of Scripture.
In art and music, God is the inspiration for all beauty and goodness.
In reading, God is the solution to every conflict.
And since God is the source of all truth, (John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”) no subject can be adequately taught without a knowledge, an understanding, and a submission to who God is.
Just as God is omnipresent, Lighthouse acknowledges his presence, his power, and his purpose in every subject and every class.