Orton Gillingham (OG+) Trained
In America, 2 of 3 students are not reading on Grade Level.
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Lighthouse believe EVERY student should have the opportunity and resources to learn to read!
80% of our Elementary Team is OG+ Trained with the Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE)
What is the Orton Gillingham Approach?

Students learn bite-sized pieces that build into advanced concepts.

Students are saying, seeing, hearing and doing.

Students are learning what they need.
Language Based
Students learn fundamental concepts of language.
Does it work?
IMSE's approach is based on the Science of Reading. They have research that supports the program's effectiveness for all students.
After testing a class that spent the year implementing Orton-Gillingham in the form of decoding, they found that every child doubled or tripled their scores.
Washington Local School District Toledo, Ohio Case Study